Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 7


Enjoying a little free time - no cone!

Well, I made it through the first week with flying colors!  They tell me my sutures are looking good, but if I even turn my head that direction they stop me - so I guess I will take their word for it. 

I get to enjoy time without the cone lately when Foster Mom & Dad are watching me closely...but mostly I still have to wear it.  One more week and then I hear it goes away.  That will be a great day!

I am having a bad night tonight, so Foster Mom has been up with me since 3am.  I seem to have an upset stomach.  But mostly every day is better!  

My playful personality is starting to come out again and I hear them talking to each other trying to figure out how they are going to keep me quiet so I can heal.  When I start to do my happy dance, they get very nervous and stop me.  I sure don't understand why I cannot go play with all those foster lab siblings around here.  I think I am ready, but Foster Mom & Dad have other ideas about that.

I am finally ready to sleep now that everyone else is starting to get up...

Thanks again for all your support...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 5

It looks really nice over there...
Can we please go?

It has been a crazy couple of days.  I had a day where I just did not feel good at all.  Seems like everything hit me at once and I was feeling the pain.  Foster Mom & Dad took care of me and kept me quiet with lots of attention, massages, ice packs, and heat.

Then I got my balloon neck brace loose, popped it, and then the dreaded cone came back!  Foster Mom sewed the straps back on, they got something to fix the hole I put in the balloon, and I was happy to see that one come back.  Nine more days (but who is counting?) and I get rid of the cone/balloon neckwear!

I am feeling better today and it's getting harder and harder to stay quiet and let my leg heal up.  I got to go outside and hang out a lot in the last couple of days.  That is always nice to get out in the fresh air and watch the squirrels and birds.  I really want to go for a walk, but they keep telling me I am not ready for that yet.  I feel ready!  

One time the last couple days I heard the other dogs in the pool.  Sounded like they were having a lot of fun and I really would have liked to join them.  Sometimes they come sit with me and I like that a lot.   They give me kisses through the fence and that's pretty nice.  I just really really wish that I could play with them. 

Thanks again for all the love you are sending my way...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 3

Can you get this crazy thing off me?

Finally!  I can actually enjoy a toy!

Another day almost over.  I got to go outside for some sunshine and fresh breeze today.  It's a little bit tough so I don't stand for very long, but they stayed with me while I hung out in the fresh air.  

This afternoon Foster Mom came home with a different torture wrap for my neck.  At least I can see more, lick my front paws and chew on some toys now so I guess I can live with this for a while.  I keep hearing them say they are watching me to see if I can lick my back leg...I am not even trying because I know that means that other giant thing comes back.  I will try to wait them out before I try to see if I can get there!

I got several nice massages today and some moist heat on my incision.  I really enjoy the massages.  

Last night in the crate was awful with that big stupid thing on my neck.  I just could not get comfortable so I kept running the plastic back and forth on the crate and waking everyone else up.  FINALLY they got the message...took me to pee and put me in my day room (Foster Dad's office) with my nice comfy bed and room to stretch out with the crazy plastic thing around my neck.  The rest of the night went great - I finally got some much needed sleep!

Talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day after surgery

I finally get to leave here?

I can only see in one direction

Home at last...

Really?  Those screws are in me?

My new joint plate                

Whew!  I made it - hope you enjoy the photos of my journey.  This is not really fun at all, but foster Mom & Dad keep telling me it will be worth it and I will get to run again some day.  

I want to know what creature invented these stupid cones!  I REALLY want out of it but going backwards does not seem to help.  I promised I would not lick my wounds, but they do not believe me for some reason.  Could it be that I keep turning my head and licking the inside of the blasted cone?  I can't even see anything!!!

Foster Mom put something really cold on my leg a couple of times.  Not sure I liked it, but she gave me a wonderful massage while it was on my leg so that felt pretty good.

Well, I am really tired and it's been a rough couple of days.  Stay tuned as the fun continues.  I know there is a lot of love coming my way and I really appreciate it.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Surgery Day!

Weighing in...she seems nice...

off we go!

Hi...well today was my surgery and everyone waited all day to hear from the doctor.  It seems the meniscus in my left knee was badly traumatized on top of the TPLO surgery for my ACL, they removed about 1/3 of the meniscus from the back of my left knee.  

Doc said the knee seems real stable and he is happy.  Maybe I could have some arthritis in my late years...but who doesn't?  He said it was important to stay exercised and trim from here on out...but I like exercise so I'm not worried.

I will be coming home to my fosters tomorrow afternoon and the rehab begins. 

Thanks for caring!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day before surgery

Hi...well tomorrow is the big day...we went out for a few walks today before I get grounded for rehab.  I keep hearing them say I won't be walking much for a while. 

It was so great getting out of the yard and enjoying a real walk.  I love my new wheels, they make it possible for me to go further than the yard for potty breaks. I actually get to get out and see the world!  I had a lot of fun running over my foster folks - they couldn't believe how fast I could go and did not get out of my way fast enough...

I had a great first night at my new digs last night.  There is a lot going on here but I have a nice cushy crate of my own and I slept happy all night.

I really want to thank all of you wonderful folks that have helped make all this possible.  You are the best supporters of DFWLRR ever!  Because of you I will be able to run around on my own later this year.  

Stay tuned for the rest of my story...

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Got my wheelchair!

Today I got my wheelchair!  A very special lady in New Mexico donated the chair to DFWLRR and I get to be the first one to use it.  Lucky me!  I took off as soon as they hooked me felt so good to be standing with the support of the chair so my legs did not have to hold me up.

I had a fun drive today and arrived at my new foster home.  I will be here while I have my surgeries and rehab.  I have several new lab siblings now and I cannot wait until the day I can actually play with them.

I will be having my first surgery on Tuesday, April 22, so please keep me in your thoughts.  I will need all the healing prayers you can send my way.

Talk to you soon, Gilbert

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Howdy y'll! I'm Gilbert! I first came to DFW Lab Rescue in December as a nine month old, gorgeous, yellow puppy. My owners surrounded me to the shelter. I was lucky to be saved by such an awesome group! I landed the best foster parents too but we found out that I had a terrible Upper Respiratory Infection that required a lot of TLC. My foster family took great care of me. My foster mom stayed by my side until I was feeling better, which took a while. Who knew a runny nose could be so terrible! Since I was sick, I had to stay away from the resident lab because he's young guy like me! So, my foster mom slept with me at night, brought me fun toys, and made sure that I was happy, happy, happy!!

 Finally, I started to feel better and was showing off all my puppy playfulness! My foster parents found out that I'm the kind of dog that is always happy to be around you and smiles the biggest smile just because you’re home! I light up when you throw a ball for me, or bring home a new chew toy! (The easier to pull apart- the better!) Other dogs? They’re the MOST fun! I told you that my foster brother was my age right? How much more fun can it get around here? I love dogs of all sizes and am super sweet to everyone! In fact, I'm very easy going and gentle around kids and am always a perfect gentleman! I'm a true lover and just wants to make my humans happy!

 But then, I started to not feel good again. Every time I played, my leg would start to hurt. I started feeling a limp that would come and go. Some days, my limp would be very prominent, but by the next afternoon, I could run and play with my foster brother like it never happened. At first, I thought maybe I was just having too much fun. But, the limp started to hurt me more and more. I insisted on going to see those people in the white coats that make you feel better! This time, I was seen by an orthopedic vet and finally a specialist in the orthopedic field. After many appointments and x-rays, we learned that I have one leg with a completely blown knee and another that is 80% gone. I have a long road to recovery ahead of me with 2 TPLO knee surgeries to overcome the injuries. My two surgeries will have to happen separately due to recovery time.

 Now, I'm moving to a new foster home in a few days! I heard that they are the BEST and most caring place for me to be! It will be a long process, but I'm ready! My surgery is scheduled to happen at the end of April. Keep me in your thoughts and keep an eye out for updates! Because this is a rescue, and a very pricey surgery (costing over $8000), I will need a LOT of donations to help us cover the costs.

 Coming Soon: A special plea for help!