Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 59 - OOPS!

Back on bed rest!

Well, I made a big oops this week.  I just couldn't take it any more and I escaped from my pen and ran at full speed to be with my foster siblings!  It felt so good to run, but I am paying the price now.  Seems I pulled a tendon, it hurts - I am limping again - so it's back to just potty walks and lots of rest.  I did hear the doctor telling them that there was no damage to my I am happy about that.

My foster folks are taking a vacation!  I don't understand how they feel they can do this???  BUT, the good news is that I get to go visit with my very first foster family.  Do you think they will be nicer and let me play?  I did overhear my foster Mom telling them the rules probably not (but a guy can dream, right?).  My old friend JJ is there - how can I not play with him?  I hear there is a new sister too - I hope she likes me.  

If I stay good and take it easy it looks like my next surgery will be coming up in a couple of weeks.  The last hurdle to having a real life again and releasing the puppy inside me...YEA - I cannot wait!!

I will keep you posted...keep the love coming,

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 51 - Therapy is Exhausting

After therapy nap time...

Just for comparison

See how much straighter my back is?

Well, another day at therapy.  They walked me for 30 minutes at 1.6 miles an hour!  Who do they think I am...wonder dog?  On top of that they raised the stinking bars on the course I have to walk through!  Thank goodness for the massage at the end...all is good again.

We put these pictures in so you could see my progress a bit.  At the beginning I walked with a hump in my back because I put the bulk of my weight on my front legs.  I am now able to put some weight on my back legs so I am walking much straighter.  Imagine how great it will be at the end when both my back legs can support me without pain?  

In the meantime...they have said I cannot play with other dogs or run and jump until I am healed from my next surgery!  They really do think I have some sort of super powers that I can tolerate not playing with other dogs, running, and jumping until September!  Do they know I am only 1 year old???  They keep promising it will be worth it I hope they know what they are talking about.  I feel pretty good now.

Oh well...I can dream of being able to play with everyone!

Keep the love coming, in three weeks I will be having the surgery on my right leg.  I guess I will be starting over.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 42 - Therapy Going Great

Arriving at therapy

After therapy - I am tired

Catching a quick nap...

Life is good right left leg is recovering really good.  Can you believe it's been 42 days since my surgery?  

They extended my time in the water treadmill tank and raised the bars on the course I have to walk through.  I live for the massage and ice at the end of the session!  It feels so good.

Getting home I get to curl up and sleep for most of the day...wake up to eat and go back to sleep.  I would really love to go play ball with the other dogs here, but they keep telling me it will happen some day.

I have to get through another surgery in July and more therapy, but it will be a happy day when I am all healed and find my forever home!  Please keep me in mind - I am a really great dog.

Keep the love coming...hope to meet you all someday.