Friday, December 19, 2014

Time to say goodbye!

I will never understand why humans like to do this to us!  But I tip my hat to all of you that gave me this GREAT life!

This being my final will get a little long, but bear with me please...I have a lot to say.

It's been said life is a journey - but maybe it's many small least until you find that 'forever journey' where you can learn to let go, trust, love, and feel like this is where you were meant to be - part of a family that will return that unconditional love and care for you for the rest of your life!

Because of all of you that followed me, took care of me, and donated to my surgeries - the news is excellent!  I am feeling good, running around like a normal 1.9 year old puppy should, and I am beginning my forever journey with my FOREVER family!!!

On December 22, I am moving to my forever home just in time for Christmas!  This date is very special to me.  I started my healing journey on April 22 when my foster family took me in for my first ACL surgery.  Eight months later - to the day - I am going 'home'.

This healing journey has been very bittersweet as I say my goodbyes.  I want to thank DFW Labrador Retriever Rescue and YOU for all the love and support given to me on this part of my life's journey.  I would not be here without you.  I am now a lab with a warm loving home and family - and I even heard a rumor that we have a lake house and a boat...does it get any better?  Well, the 'family' is DEFINITELY the best part for sure - the rest is extra fun.  I also hear that I have a cat for a new best furry friend, so I will have to get back to you on that one. ;)

I leave many special memories and people behind, but not forgotten - that I promise you.  I will send you all messages from time to time  so you can continue to know how much I love you all - and what a wonderful life YOU made possible.  Be sure to watch for me on the DFWLRR Facebook page.

My wish is that every Lab that needs help will be lucky enough to find their way to DFWLRR and you will all continue to support, care for, and most of all love them.  You are AWESOME!!!

Merry Christmas indeed!!
Love always,

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 169 - Final X-Ray Day!

Well...I'm not sure about this place...wonder if I can escape through here?

Whew!  It's all over - no surgery - goodbye to everyone - wish I could say it's been fun!  Can I please have a few cookies?

Are we REALLY all done?

This is a much better ride than last time we left there...

Are we almost home Foster Dad?

Hey everyone!
It's been a while but this is a great time to touch base again...
I went for my final X-Rays today and they said I have healed perfectly!  

That is the good news :)
The other news is that I have to 'gradually' increase my activity levels.  Don't they know I am ready to RUN!!!  But they have gotten me this far so I guess they know what they are doing.

Here is my X-Ray...if you click on this you can see it better.  But the one on the left was what they did to me on July 31.  You can see where they cut my bone.  The one on the right you can see how my new bone growth has healed and you can no longer see the cut!  How great is this?  My prognosis is wonderful and I sure am feeling good.

So, get those applications in...I will begin interviewing in a few weeks!  I am definitely ready to find that family that will love me forever.  My foster folks will love me forever too, but they feel I deserve a special home.

Thanks again for all your donations and prayers...they worked!

Much Love,

Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 137 - Rehab Continues

Waiting for the cake...

Not crazy about hats!

Back in the water :)

Hi there...
A few days ago my foster sister turned 10 year  That was pretty neat.  We had a family birthday party and I am not too crazy about hats but I am crazy about birthday cake!!  Yum

My rehab continues and I am finally back in the water tank.  This is great because things go so much faster once this starts.   I keep hearing them say something about a light at the end of the tunnel...or something like that.  It did not make much sense to me, but I am feeling better every day.   

I want to play, but they keep telling me 'not yet'.  I get excited and keep trying to jump around and they keep stopping me...don't they know that's what you do when you feel good and want to play?  They are fuddy duddies...someone break me out of here please!!!  Actually, I can tell foster Mom & Dad feel really bad...they take me for lots of short walks and bring me new toys and treats.  

I don't get to go anywhere off leash...even to have birthday cake.  I am still watching everyone else play from my jail's really sad.  Dad is my cell mate for a lot of the's pretty nice to have the company, even if he sits there and works.

I am pretty used to things now...but they keep telling me I will be running and playing soon, which makes me happy!  

I should be ready to start meeting everyone mid-October so keep an eye out for me.  

Thanks for the love and support!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 112 - Getting my stitches out!

On my way to get these stitches out...will my headpiece go away?

Waiting for them to come...

Can you believe the indignity?  They are putting a muzzle on me...

Hi there!

It was a crazy day yesterday.  First I got to go for a ride in the car...I LOVE riding in the car!!  But then we got to 'that' place so I was not sure what was happening.  Then we go in and we wait...I hate waiting, especially when I do not know what I am waiting for.  Then these people come in and put a MUZZLE on me????  They said they do that for all the dogs when they remove stitches and I should not take it personal.  I wonder if they would take it personal if I put a muzzle on them?

Well, all said and done I got those stitches out and it did not hurt.  They tell me I have to wear the cone of shame for a few more days while the healing finishes.  That does not make me happy...but I guess I will deal with it.

I saw Jenny today after I got my stitches out...I was happy to see her.  After checking me out she told me that my rehab starts on Wednesday!  YEA!!  We are starting the last hill before the finish line.  I can hardly wait - remember I said I hate waiting?

Stay tuned, keep the love coming...I appreciate it so much.


Sunday, August 3, 2014

Day 103 - Back to the hospital, really?

On my way back to the hospital...

Whew! They did not leave me there this time...

Safe in the car headed home :)

Well, I managed to freak my foster folks out by bleeding through my bandages during the night.  Foster Mom removed the bandage immediately and called the surgery hospital and they told her to bring me in.  Not my favorite place right now, as you can imagine!

Thank goodness we were not there too long...they checked me out, cleaned me up, put a new bandage on and sent me packing saying I was doing good.

Seems the first bandage went on immediately after surgery and there was some seepage - and some of the drugs caused me to bleed a little more.  The sutures were good and the bleeding was over so they wrapped me again.  

I was really relieved to see them waiting for me!  I thought I was staying at this place again, but they waited for me - yea!  Very happy to walk that hall in the opposite direction after just an hour.  

Now if I could just get rid of this dang thing around my head!!!  

Thanks for all your notes and well wishes...and they tell me you donated quite a bit so we can help other dogs too - since I am using up so much money.  Thank you so much!  

Sending all the love right back to you...

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 102 - Coming Home Again!

Here is a picture of what they did to me...I guess my knee was way out of wack!

The nice doctor that is letting me go home and told Foster Mom and Dad how to take care of me...

I made it to the you know how tough it is to walk with this thing on my leg???

Finally home!  My own bed...I am sooo tired

Hi...this will be short.  Just wanted to let everyone know that I am finally back home in my own bed.  I know I look sad but I am really just exhausted.  It's been a tough couple of days.

They put this bandage thing on my leg...they say it will help support me, but it sure is hard to do anything with it on.  They wanted me to have extra support since I injured myself a while back and they want to protect that leg too.  I guess I am a mess!  I will try harder to behave myself this time so everything heals better...but I am just a little boy after all...I want to PLAY!  Well, maybe not today...

My Foster Mom rode in the back of the car with me all the way home so I did not have to wear the cone of shame in the car.  I really appreciated that - but now I am stuck with it.  

I am going to sleep now but I will try to write again real soon so you can see how I progress with this peg leg of mine.

Lots of Love to all of you that are out there sending me your good really helps to know you care.


Day 101 - Heading to surgery again!

Arriving here - I was excited - thought I was going to PT!  I really love going to PT and getting in the water tank...and getting those great massages...

Nope - this is not the PT room...they tricked me and I have a bad feeling...I don't see Jenny and I don't think there is a massage in my future today for some reason.  

Ohhh...I have walked this hall before...I was's not good!

Well, here I go again.   Can you believe it's been 101 days since my first surgery?  Foster Mom and Dad keep telling me this is a good thing because it's the final part of my painful journey.  I just know this place made me hurt and I really do not want any part of it, but I guess I have to trust them...

Did I mention they did not even feed me this morning?  They are killing me!!!

Stay tuned...and thank you so much for all your prayers and wishes you are sending my way!


Friday, July 11, 2014

Day 71 - It has been a while

Hi there...are you still out there?

Like my selfie?

I know, it's been a while.  I've been trying to tell my foster Mom that you are waiting to hear more.  She told me I was 'boring'!  Can you believe that?  She said since I had my 'oops' and I am back on bed rest there just is nothing to report.

Well, my run was fun while it lasted, but it seems I fractured my shin bone.  That was NOT fun!  Now I have to wait for my next surgery until my leg can hold me up again.  We are hoping for the last week of July.  Keep positive thoughts my way that this fracture heals so I can get moving towards my forever life again.

So, here is a day in my life...I hang out with my foster Dad all day in his office while he works...I personally think 'he' is boring!

morning nap - I do have a bed selection...which I love

laying around some more...

Decided to do some constructive chewing...

outside! it

playing with my foster Dad

So, that's a day in my life.  They are all pretty much the same.  I am ordered to only walk 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.  I think I am boring because they will not let me do anything...not my fault! I am a 1 year old lab with lots of personality...they are stifling me.

Hopefully I will have my next surgery in a couple of weeks...I will be in touch.  

Keep the love coming!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 59 - OOPS!

Back on bed rest!

Well, I made a big oops this week.  I just couldn't take it any more and I escaped from my pen and ran at full speed to be with my foster siblings!  It felt so good to run, but I am paying the price now.  Seems I pulled a tendon, it hurts - I am limping again - so it's back to just potty walks and lots of rest.  I did hear the doctor telling them that there was no damage to my I am happy about that.

My foster folks are taking a vacation!  I don't understand how they feel they can do this???  BUT, the good news is that I get to go visit with my very first foster family.  Do you think they will be nicer and let me play?  I did overhear my foster Mom telling them the rules probably not (but a guy can dream, right?).  My old friend JJ is there - how can I not play with him?  I hear there is a new sister too - I hope she likes me.  

If I stay good and take it easy it looks like my next surgery will be coming up in a couple of weeks.  The last hurdle to having a real life again and releasing the puppy inside me...YEA - I cannot wait!!

I will keep you posted...keep the love coming,

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 51 - Therapy is Exhausting

After therapy nap time...

Just for comparison

See how much straighter my back is?

Well, another day at therapy.  They walked me for 30 minutes at 1.6 miles an hour!  Who do they think I am...wonder dog?  On top of that they raised the stinking bars on the course I have to walk through!  Thank goodness for the massage at the end...all is good again.

We put these pictures in so you could see my progress a bit.  At the beginning I walked with a hump in my back because I put the bulk of my weight on my front legs.  I am now able to put some weight on my back legs so I am walking much straighter.  Imagine how great it will be at the end when both my back legs can support me without pain?  

In the meantime...they have said I cannot play with other dogs or run and jump until I am healed from my next surgery!  They really do think I have some sort of super powers that I can tolerate not playing with other dogs, running, and jumping until September!  Do they know I am only 1 year old???  They keep promising it will be worth it I hope they know what they are talking about.  I feel pretty good now.

Oh well...I can dream of being able to play with everyone!

Keep the love coming, in three weeks I will be having the surgery on my right leg.  I guess I will be starting over.


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 42 - Therapy Going Great

Arriving at therapy

After therapy - I am tired

Catching a quick nap...

Life is good right left leg is recovering really good.  Can you believe it's been 42 days since my surgery?  

They extended my time in the water treadmill tank and raised the bars on the course I have to walk through.  I live for the massage and ice at the end of the session!  It feels so good.

Getting home I get to curl up and sleep for most of the day...wake up to eat and go back to sleep.  I would really love to go play ball with the other dogs here, but they keep telling me it will happen some day.

I have to get through another surgery in July and more therapy, but it will be a happy day when I am all healed and find my forever home!  Please keep me in mind - I am a really great dog.

Keep the love coming...hope to meet you all someday.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 35 - Doing Good!

Getting ready for the water

Afternoon walk


Guess what...they let me walk in the water longer today!  They said I am doing great and my new super leg is straightening all the way out now.  They keep the water deep in the tank so that my bad leg does not get stressed out too bad.  I got to walk in the tank for 15 minutes and then another 45 minutes of floor exercises and stretches.  

This therapy takes so much out of me...but when I get home I get to crash on my pillow and take a very long nap!  

My right leg is giving me fits these days...I have stopped putting much weight on that now that my new knee on the left leg can hold me up.  

I am starting to get really bored with this hospice situation here.  I want to run and play and they won't let me.  I keep begging and pleading but they are really mean and keep me confined.  They keep saying it is for my own good...but I have trouble believing them.  I just know that today I want to go play with my foster siblings.

Keep the love coming...

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 30 - Finally got in the water!

Love the sunsets...

Water exercise...really tomorrow?

Hi there...
As we sat outside and watched the sunset last night they promised me I would get to do the water exercise tomorrow.

They were right!  I finally made it into that crazy looking water tank.  It was really fun.  I walked for 8 minutes today and they said the time will increase with each session.  After that I did a lot more of that land workout...over poles...up/down ramps... stretches... massage...sure do love the massage!

I am getting stronger in my left leg, but my right leg is starting to hurt more and Foster Dad & Mom keep saying that I am not using it as much as my surgery leg gets stronger.  Hopefully my left leg will be real strong by the time I get my next surgery.

I am really tired now after all the off for a long nap.

Love to you all...

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 26 - But who is counting???

Out for a walk...

Wishing I could run...the lake looks so fun...

Sacked out and dreaming...

Hey's been a while

I had another PT session and she said I was 5 degrees from being able to straighten my leg!  One more session on the floor and then I get to try the water treadmill!!! 

It's been a tough few days around here...Foster Mom got some sort of awful stomach virus and the house was dark and quiet.  I sort of went with the flow...and chilled out (as can be witnessed from my photo above!)

My other leg - the one they have not fixed yet is really bothering me lately.  I have a little trouble getting up and even if I could straighten my new knee - the other leg would not let me.  I sure will be REALLY happy when this is all over with and I can walk and run like everyone else around this house.  It is killing me watching them run around, chasing balls and having fun. I know my day will come, but this is getting a bit old.

Please stay tuned to my progress - I really need your love and support right now.

By for now...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 21 - Physical Therapy Begins

A car ride...I am out of the house!

She looks nice but I am not sure of the plan...

Ahh...a nap on the ride home

Hi there...
I got to go for a ride that is always fun!  I watched out the window at as we's a world I haven't seen in a while and I loved watching everything.

We went to an interesting place today with lots of stuff in the room.  The lady there was very nice.  I was not too sure of things at first, but turns out there was nothing to be afraid of.

There were these cones and rails and she walked me back and forth stepping over rails, then warm towels, lots of stretching, and some massage.  All in all, not a bad day.  I saw a big tub with water in the corner but she said I was not ready for that just yet. 

I was surprised how tired it made me, but I got a nice nap on the pillow in the car all the way home.  Then my energy came back.  Foster Dad took me for a few walks, and hung out with me all afternoon (like he normally does).  He spends all day staring at this thing they call a computer and talking on the phone...but he always is ready to walk with me, or just talk to me.

When the sun was setting Foster Mom took me for our last walk of the day, and then some quiet time hanging out in the yard.  I got to watch the horses across the street playing and I dreamed of going over and running with them.  Foster Mom says 'someday'.  

'Someday' seems so far away!
Love you all...